Mihran Kalaydjian Hospitality
Consulting Firm
How Much will it Cost?
The question really should be, How much will it save and solve? Actual expense is not nearly as important as the improvement of a hotel’s bottom line. Consulting costs vary greatly, depending on factors such as the size of the property and the amount of work required.
What Can a Great Hotel Management Consultant do?
After an initial assessment of a property and specific problem, a plan is developed. The list what a hotel management consultant can address is extensive. The ultimate goal is to increase the performance and profitability of the hotel.
Taking that First Step
Hiring a Hotel Consultant is often the best way to solve a hotel’s problems. Consultants will use their best judgment to turn a property around. Getting beyond the initial stage of deciding to hire a consultant is the first step. The only other issues that may come up are the competence of the consultant and the cost.


Action is the foundational key to all success. To assist my clients to improve profitability and productivity through up-to-date designs, proper menu engineering and staff training, no matter where they are located.
“To maximize the value of every asset”
We work hard to communicate at all levels where we want to be, how we will get there, and why success benefits all involved. We know who we are and what we believe in, and value our commitment to meet all promises made, whether to guests, associates or owners.
“To become the most desired and highly valued developer, owner and manager of leading brand full and select service hotels in the United States.”
Mihran Kalaydjian Hospitality Consulting Firm has a history of high performance and sustainable, profitable growth.
Mihran Kalaydjian Hospitality Consulting Firm Services is for the ownership group that wants to have control over their hotel AND wants an expert to brainstorm any obstacles keeping them from achieving maximum profitability.