Is a Hotel a Safe Place During COVID-19? Here’s What to Look For
Experts say hotels or Airbnbs can be a safe place to stay if they’re following CDC guidelines for COVID-19. They urge travelers to check...

The worst mistakes you can make in an interview, according to 12 CEOs
We spoke with 12 CEOs who’ve shared the worst interview mistakes that they’ve witnessed candidates make, so you don’t repeat history. A...

How Do You Know Someone Is an Exceptional Leader? Look for Any of These 7 Signs
This is what it truly takes for leaders to motivate their employees. If you're new to the employee engagement conversation, I'll cut to...

Leadership Styles: What’s Best?
Do you look out of your office, see your underlings hard at work, and think to yourself, “What a great example of leadership I embody!...

Hospitality Industry Service Leadership.
A 'business success plan' for the hospitality industry requires a new set of disciplines because knowledge acquisition of the changing...

3 Powerful Ways Hoteliers Can Influence the Booking Decision
Understanding the customer path to purchase is the most critical step to developing your hotel’s marketing strategy. Having knowledge of...